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Joanne has moved to Ulverston in Cumbria and is starting work in the town from March 2023.
She is also continuing to work in Preston at the Towngate Clinic in Leyland.

Welcome to Joanne Danby Osteopathy

Clinics in Ulverston town centre 07967 129775

The Practice

The Joanne Danby osteopathic practice was established in 1990 and moved to Ulverston, South Lakes in 2023. She will be covering the Grange and Barrow areas as well as further afield including Kendal, Windermere and Ambleside. Clients already come to see Joanne from a wide area covering all of Lancashire, Cumbria and the Yorkshire Dales. The practice is regulated by the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC), a state registered body. The GOsC sets the standard for osteopathic education and requires osteopaths to keep up to date with a yearly programme of continuing professional development.

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Osteopathy is a hands-on treatment used to diagnose and treat all kinds of aches and pains in the body. Osteopathy works with the structure and function of the body which means that the osteopath looks at how different parts of the body, the skeleton, all the bones, the joints, the muscles, the ligaments, the tendons, the nerves and all the connective tissues function smoothly together. Each of these are interlinked and work together within the body so that if one area is not working properly it will have a knock on effect on other areas.

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Cranial Osteopathy

Cranial osteopathy is a gentle, non-invasive hands-on approach that releases tensions deep in the body to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve health and performance. It is a refined and subtle series of techniques that focus primarily on the head, spinal column and sacral bone of the pelvis and their interrelationships - facilitating release of stresses and tensions from these areas.

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Medical Acupuncture

Medical acupuncture is a therapeutic technique that involves inserting fine needles into certain points across the body to encourage healing and pain relief. Also referred to as western acupuncture, the practice differs from the ancient Chinese practice it derives from. Whilst still using needles to stimulate the body's natural healing abilities, it doesn't adhere to the concepts of Qi or yin/yang, as followed in Chinese acupuncture.

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